Saturday, June 14, 2014

Memory enhancement techniques video for aging adults / senior citizens just released

Day to Day Memory Enhancement Techniques for Adults and Senior Citizens

 I just released a video " Day to Day Memory Enhancement Techniques for Adults and Senior Citizens". Right now it is a DVD and I hope it will be a streaming video on soon.
After working with learning strategies in students of all ages and especially with students with learning challenges and or ADHD I began to receive requests to offer memory enhancement workshops for people with chemo brain , then with senior citizens, and then with people with epilepsy.

Each group has their own memory issues. The memory techniques are quite a few and many. However , the memory needs of someone with a medical condition like left temporal lobe epilepsy ,  chemo brain , ADHD , aging senior citizens , are not the same as a regular student in the classroom. Now that is what set myself apart from other medical professionals. While I am a tutor and help students with learning challenges, I also work in the field of  electro-neuro- diagnostics  ( EEG , EMG, sleep wake disorders, biofeedback) . Thus, I am able to understand the difference in memory issues for different groups. Once I began giving memory workshops for the different groups , I was able to gather information on what their specific needs are. Thus, I noticed , for instance , that the memory needs of  senior citizens might be important for things like what days are my grand childrens' birthdays? I also noticed that when senior citizens live in assisted living quarters then there is a need to remember names, recipe's , grocery lists , and where they parked their car. In contrast , a young student might need memory techniques for historical dates , or how to remember equations. A working adult would also have a need to remember client's names, pass codes , and where they parked.
Thus , I set up the easy to learn techniques and examples in the video specifically for working adults and senior citizens and this would be different than what a student would need.  Furthermore, while there are many videos of people giving lectures on memory techniques, I could not find examples of these methods being taught with actual real life examples. I also geared the techniques to day to day usage as the people who would want this video are not really going to try and break a world record at a memory championship. Although , I do not rule that out.
Jason Mark Alster M.SC.
Day to Day Memory Enhancement Techniques