Thursday, November 22, 2007

Anyone Can Improve Their Handwriting pt 1

This is an excerpt from the CD ROM "Anyone Can Improve Their Handwriting " . The movie is a session with Jason Alster helping you improve your handwriting. Excellent for people with illegible handwriting , ADHD , Dyslexia , Dysgraphia, hyperactivity. Excellent resource for teachers who are teaching handwriting improvement. With


Nan Jay Barchowsky said...

Lots of good advice here, especially on posture, relaxation and pen hold! I just wish the focus was more on the motor memory that is just briefly mentioned. Most of the advice goes to the visual. Most educators address the visual only. Yet it is the motor memory that yields legible handwriting that flows at satisfactory speed. My instructional emphasis is on the rhythmic movement that governs the letter form, size, slant and spacing.

Nan Jay Barchowsky said...

Lots of good advice here, especially on posture, relaxation and pen hold! I just wish the focus was more on the motor memory that is just briefly mentioned. Most of the advice goes to the visual. Most educators address the visual only. Yet it is the motor memory that yields legible handwriting that flows at satisfactory speed. My instructional emphasis is on the rhythmic movement that governs the letter form, size, slant and spacing.