Sunday, January 19, 2014

Galvanic Skin Response measure (GSR) as objective physiological measure in ADHD Biofeedback Techniques for the Natural ADHD Practitioner

This is the video GSR biofeedback techniques for the natural ADHD practitioner based on research done in Israel. It shows that the resting electro dermal activity can be used as an objective measure of relaxed concentration in ADHD. From this measure I was able to test the techniques I then developed in my video for ADHD --- "Being In Control : Natural Solutions for ADHD , Dyslexia , and Test Anxiety" as well as the video " Zen for ADD , ADHD " . These videos may be downloaded as a streaming download from

Today, in the USA , I offer tutoring and coaching services for students with ADHD. However, I would like to continue with this research on the GSR in ADHD if  I may find an ADHD researcher interested.
Today , research is looking at the  brain MRI in ADHD for medication applications. However, using the GSR , I was able to train people with ADHD to increase their relaxed concentration naturally.
My webpage for contact info and the different resources I offer.

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