Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Bach Flower Remedies for ADHD

Agrimony :
Putting on a cheerful face to hide problems. Sensitive, yet troubled
inside. Need to avoid conflict, thus are often "peacemakers" to
their own detriment.

Aspen :
Fears and worries of unknown origin, nervous and anxious

Beech :
Critical and intolerant of others

Centaury :
Difficulty in saying no, anxious to please, codependent or

Cerato :
Doubtful of own ability to judge situations, always needs others'

Cherry Plum :
Fear of losing control and of irrational thoughts and/or impulses

Chestnut Bud :
Failure to learn from experience, thus repeating the same mistakes

Chicory :
Over-protective, possessive, selfish

Clematis :
Day-dreaming, lack of interest in present - not grounded in physical

Crab Apple :
Poor self-image, feelings of shame, sense of uncleanliness

Elm :
Overwhelmed or burdened by responsibility

Gentian :
Easily discouraged - especially after an improvement followed by a
setback, hesitant, despondent

Gorse :
Hopelessness and despair, pessimism

Heather :
Self-absorbed, dislike of being alone, excessively talkative

Holly :
Feelings of being unloved, or extreme jealousy - bitter, envious,

Honeysuckle :
Living in the past, feeling homesick

Hornbeam :
Monday morning feeling, emotional - or more often, mental -

Impatiens :
Impatient, irritable

Larch :
Lack of self-confidence, feeling of inferiority without envy

Mimulus :
Fear of known or familiar things, shyness, tremulousness and self-

Mustard :
Deep gloom, despondency, or depression for no apparent reason

Oak :
Exhausted, but struggles on

Olive :
Physical, mental & emotional burnout; burning the candle at both

Pine :

Red Chestnut :
Overanxious or over-concerned for others

Rock Rose :
Terror, sudden alarm, nightmares

Rock Water :
For those who are overly strict with themselves

Scleranthus :
Indecisive, unable to decide between two options

Star of Bethlehem :
After-effects of fright, grief or shock

Sweet Chestnut :
At the limits of endurance, deep despair, bleak outlook

Vervain :
Over-enthusiastic, argumentative with fixed principles and ideas

Vine :
Strong-willed with a tendency to be domineering or inflexible

Walnut :
Facing major life changes, needing protection from the influences of

Water Violet :
Prefer to be alone, proud

White Chestnut :
Persistent unwanted thoughts, preoccupations and worries

Wild Oat :
Uncertainty as to the correct path in life, dissatisfied with
current lifestyle, can't decide which path to follow

Wild Rose :
Resigned, apathetic, making little effort to improve situations

Willow :
Resentment, feelings of self-pity

Rescue Remedy :

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very funny