HI- a movie on natural techniques helping adhd and test anxiety
Dear Parent , educator, student, therapist- thank you for your attention- I would like to mention that a new video/kit from Israel on natural solutions to help ADHD "Being in Control: Natural Solutions for ADHD, Dyslexia, and TestAnxiety" ( Video/book/biofeedback kit) by Jason Alster MSc ISBN 9659025130. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/9659025130/and "BEING IN CONTROL- Natural Techniques For Increasing Your Potential And Creativity For Success In School" ( book as single item)(ISBN-9659025114)" ( different ISBN)http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/9659025114/
About Jason Alster http://www.geocities.com/jasonalster
Do you, your child, or client want to be a better student? Is it hard for you to sit quietly in class and concentrate? Do you have a problem preparing homework? Do you want to pass exams with less pressure? Then this movie/book /kit may be for just for you. Taking the concepts, techniques, and exercises from the original book "BEING IN CONTROL- Natural Techniques For Increasing Your Potential And Creativity For Success In School" (ISBN-9659025114)" ( different ISBN) and making them come alive with a 40 minute video rendition. The book/ video/ kit portrays in a "roadmap" format topics for improving relaxed concentration for the classroom and when preparing homework -like increasing self confidence; relaxed concentration; seated yoga; creativity; time management; organisation of material; sensory integration; using our senses to relax; biofeedback; games; better cursive handwriting; speed reading; test taking strategies and more. In addition to the CD ROM and book- the kit also includes 2 finger size temperature strips biofeedback monitors used by many biofeedback practitioners for measuring relaxation- stress levels. Produced and edited with Windows Movie Maker 2 and can be played on Windows Media Player.
Also by Jason Alster- Creative Painting For The Young Artist a book for helping children learn to develop an artistic eye and be creative through thinking like an artist. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/9659025122/
Dear Parent , educator, student, therapist- thank you for your attention- I would like to mention that a new video/kit from Israel on natural solutions to help ADHD "Being in Control: Natural Solutions for ADHD, Dyslexia, and TestAnxiety" ( Video/book/biofeedback kit) by Jason Alster MSc ISBN 9659025130. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/9659025130/and "BEING IN CONTROL- Natural Techniques For Increasing Your Potential And Creativity For Success In School" ( book as single item)(ISBN-9659025114)" ( different ISBN)http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/9659025114/
About Jason Alster http://www.geocities.com/jasonalster
Do you, your child, or client want to be a better student? Is it hard for you to sit quietly in class and concentrate? Do you have a problem preparing homework? Do you want to pass exams with less pressure? Then this movie/book /kit may be for just for you. Taking the concepts, techniques, and exercises from the original book "BEING IN CONTROL- Natural Techniques For Increasing Your Potential And Creativity For Success In School" (ISBN-9659025114)" ( different ISBN) and making them come alive with a 40 minute video rendition. The book/ video/ kit portrays in a "roadmap" format topics for improving relaxed concentration for the classroom and when preparing homework -like increasing self confidence; relaxed concentration; seated yoga; creativity; time management; organisation of material; sensory integration; using our senses to relax; biofeedback; games; better cursive handwriting; speed reading; test taking strategies and more. In addition to the CD ROM and book- the kit also includes 2 finger size temperature strips biofeedback monitors used by many biofeedback practitioners for measuring relaxation- stress levels. Produced and edited with Windows Movie Maker 2 and can be played on Windows Media Player.
Also by Jason Alster- Creative Painting For The Young Artist a book for helping children learn to develop an artistic eye and be creative through thinking like an artist. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/9659025122/