" Day to Day Memory Enhancement Techniques for Adults and Senior Citizens".
When you meet someone new: you must say "Hi , My name is so and so. what is your's. " then after they repeat their name , you must repeat it yourself. As in Hi ,Jim." Then you can look at some feature about that person that will remind you of their name. for instance if the person was name Mona Lisa ( the painting) - well she looks like she is moaning - as in Mona.
Till here - that is pretty much standard memory technique for memory for names. Now here is the new addition I developed while running my workshops. Ask them if they have a way of remembering their names. for instance in one of my workshops there was a person named Roy. well he said people remember him as Roy Rogers because he actually had a horse named Trigger. .
Day to Day Memory Enhancement Techniques for Adults and Senior Citizens

List Price: $20.00
46 minutes, NTSC
UPC: 887936921636
CreateSpace eStore: https://www.createspace.com/405098