Zen for ADD ADHD
A tranquil video with natural and Zen motifs made by biofeedback specialist Jason Mark Alster M.Sc especially for people with ADD and ADHD.Full video Zen for ADD , ADHD is with Amazon.com streaming downloads . From biofeedback specialist and ADHD researcher comes a relaxation video for improving relaxed concentration for anyone and for anyone with ADHD. Jason Alster M.S also published " Being In Control : Natural techniques for increasing your potential and creativity for success in school" and " Creative Painting for the Young Artist". Jason also produced the videos " Being In Control : Natural Solutions for ADHD , Dyslexia and Test Anxiety; "Anyone Can Improve Their Own Handwriting" ; and " Meditative and Exotic Sights and Sounds of Israel" . All are with Amazon.com for streaming download or hard copy purchase at www.jasonalster.com