Friday, February 07, 2014

In response to a question - do I have research results for the streaming video The Zen for ADD ADHD

Yes as a biofeedback therapist since 1990 , I worked with people who had all types of stress disorders as well as ADHD. I found that GSR biofeedback is a good physiological objective measure of relaxed concentration in ADHD and used this objective physiological measure to test what works for relaxation physiologically as well as relaxed concentration. From this information on hundreds of clients I produced the well received book and video Being In Control: Natural Solutions for ADHD , Dyslexia , and Test Anxiety as well as the video GSR Biofeedback Techniques for the Natural ADHD Practitioner. Later , I just took out the relaxation exercises and added some more so that there will be just a relaxed concentration video especially for ADHD. Techniques like looking at a Liquid Timer , metronome, holding the scenes for a few moments longer like watching water flow etc make up this video. So in reality it is part of a set of the three video mentioned and may be streamed from