Friday, November 09, 2007

GSR technology used to advance communication between computers and living things

Destin Naturopath Announces Addition of ZYTO Biotechnology to Improve Health Care Services (
Published on: November 8th, 2007 07:53pm by: zytocorp
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(OPENPRESS) Nov. 8, 2007 -- Destin, FL – Dr. Leesa Haire ND, RPh. has announced the addition of ZYTO (tm) biotechnology to the alternative health care and naturopath services offered at Natural Health Consultants.

Natural Health Consultants is associated with Lifetree Health and Herb at 34904 Emerald Coast Pwy, Suite 140 in Destin, and can be contacted at 850-654-6055.

Haire has a doctorate of naturopathy and is a registered pharmacist. She provides natural therapies, health and wellness consulting, and has now added ZYTO technology to improve those services. The use of ZYTO technology reduces trial and error in the process of deciding on the best nutraceutical and nutritional supplements to get people on the road to better health.

“My goal is to help people discover and intergrate natural therapies into their health care and daily lives using whatever method their body dictates either natural or pharmaceutical. The recommendation I make is selected by the client's test results from the ZYTO technology,” explained Haire.

ZYTO Corp. is a biotechnology company specializing in bio-information and bio-communication. Using the principles of biology, quantum science, galvanic skin response (GSR), and the science of information, ZYTO technology can facilitate meaningful communication between computers and living things, according to ZYTO Corp. founder and C.E.O. Dr. Vaughn R. Cook, OMD.

“We are excited about the addition of ZYTO technology to the services we offer,” said Haire. “We are now able to perform a health scan and health assessment of the body and obtain the information we need to make the best recommendation to improve health. It is quick, easy to administer, and very effective.”

There are people who have traveled several hundred miles to be treated through the ZYTO technology, according to Haire.

“Using the ZYTO technology helps us to make a more accurate recommendation to our patients. This enables us to help them improve their health quickly, and do it in a way that keeps health care costs down,” said Haire .

The process is simple to administer with just one brief office visit. Clients simply place their hand on a sensor that is connected to a computer. In just a few minutes the results can be seen on a computer screen, and an assessment can be made, according to Haire.

ZYTO Corp. has a web site at

Press Contact:
Leesa Haire

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