Wednesday, April 04, 2012

aromatic oils I found useful in ADHD

The following is a list of aromatic oils I found useful in ADHD. The
oils I use are Absolute Oils from the UK. I find that they are a
superior oil for most aromas. Cinnamon, bergamot, lemon, grapefruit,
mandarin, rose, orange, spearmint, and apple fragrance. These are the
main oils that ADD children like. Sometimes they chose lavender but
not often. Paradoxically, like stimulant medication, the children
like oils that pick them up and make them smile as opposed to oils
that relax. For test anxiety, on the other hand, lavender, geranium,
rose, jasmine, bergamot, grapefruit, oils that relax, are more
prefered. The best thing is to find the tree best oils that the
child likes and then combine them. This gives a great aroma that is
superior to each aroma separately. The child may put a drop on his
clothes and go to school or put a drop on his table when doing

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