Sunday, May 20, 2012

My recent activities in helping students with ADHD

I wanted to share with followers how my methods are working in practice  for helping ADHD students by combining relaxed concentration techniques with accelerated learning strategies, study strategies, and test taking  strategies.
It is working great.  Not only that, I am helping students even in top schools and they are telling me my methods are unique and they never seen them before. Well a synopsis. For speed reading I have a 15 years old student now who increased his reading speed of 240 words a minute, with excellent retention to over 400 words a minute. Now even though the student is diagnosed with ADHD, and read above average reading speed of about 180 words per minute for his age, he was not meeting his potential of 400 words a minute. Now this is an important step in helping him with his ADHD. Due to the distraction, fatigue, that come with ADHD even if he could read above average speed with good retention, the student would still not have the stamina to read for longer periods of time. The speed reading techniques  developed for ADHD students not only increase reading speed and retention, they help with the stamina for reading for longer periods of time needed with school study.

The basics of the speed reading method with the relaxed concentration tips are in the movie Being In Control: Natural Solutions for ADHD Dyslexia and Test Anxiety.

Being In Control : Natural Solutions for ADHD Dyslexia and Test Anxiety.

If you are a student with ADHD , have poor handwriting, or need help with learning strategies and test taking skills and you  live in or around Connecticut then have a look at this video .

ADHD tutor in Connecticut

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