I produced the video " Anyone Can Improve Their Own Handwriting" in about the year 2000, and improved upon it a few years ago. It still passes the test of time. This video was based upon working with ADHD students who came for natural methods to help them with their ADHD. I was in Israel at this time, and was performing a multi - modality biofeedback course for theses kids. However, I began to add accelerated learning strategies as well as writing correction to the improve relaxed concentration exercises. Well , how did I get involved with improving handwriting and offering this service to biofeedback clients. Well , first of all, I myself had messy handwriting in English , although not so much in Hebrew. Yet English is my native language. Only till i reached age 40 was I able to correct my own handwriting. Thus I understood that if you do not get it corrected it will not correct on its own. I also am amazed by how many people offer advice to those having poor handwriting by saying " practice, practice ,practice". it is just not true. How I came to correct my own handwriting and the handwriting in hundreds of others was by developing an artistic more of seeing. I myself being an artist , improved my own art drawing , painting and drawing after I read the book
"Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" as well as some techniques from others. However, what I was able to develop that I did not see others use was a special way of correcting poor handwriting where the student can understand what is wrong and break down the problem. I also noticed that many people with messy handwriting actually had an ability to write individual words nicely, However, putting it all together - a mess. For different reasons, writing above or below the line, making letters unequal heights and distances, writing very small, writing off the margin and not sitting in good positions while writing. So putting it all together I produced the video " Anyone Can Improve Their Own Handwriting" . It can be downloaded from Amazon.com or purchased as a disc.

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