Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Senior Citizen memory improvement request number one


 Do you need to remember a name, a face, a date , a birthday, a pass code, a telephone number, a grocery list, a favorite recipe, or even where you parked your car? What if you lost your phone and have to contact a family member in an emergency? Would you remember their phone number? After giving many workshops on improving memory for senior citizens at senior centers , senior living, and universities, I produced an interactive video of memory enhancement techniques directed at seniors. PS did you know the number one request seniors have is to improve their ability to remember names? Do you know why? One senior at a workshop needed help in remembering his grandchildren's names. Another senior asked for a way to remember his mom's secret recipe' for meatballs. I use the techniques myself in the video just to remember where I park my car. Another senior needed help in remembering what her password was. I use a a real example of when I ran out of money and had to remember my credit card pin number that I had not used in a year . Another member in a workshop said he was walking with his best friend of years and when they met another old time college buddy, well he said this is my best friend UHhhm - I forgot his name. His best friend was not too happy after that. One of the secrets I use to remember the names of people I met came from a minister. Think of it, if the minister could not remember the names of the people in his parish. Well , it seems that retired seniors now have a lifestyle change that includes meeting more people and new people at workshops in senior centers and senior homes. Their number one request to me at the memory enhancement workshops I provide is to improve their memory for names. This is different from a younger student whose main request might be to remember dates and numbers for an exam. Do you need to remember a name, a face, a date , a birthday, a pass code, a telephone number, a grocery list, a favorite recipe, or even where you parked your car? The video is in two parts. The first dealing with memory techniques and the second part has a meditation for relaxed concentration. The author Jason Mark Alster MSc, has been working with tutoring , learning strategies, study skills , allied health technology since 1979. After offering memory enhancement workshops at senior homes, adult education, Jason decided to offer this video which would be little different than what would be used for students needing to pass an exam or study for homework. Release date, June 1st 2014. A 46 minute cd or dvd format of day to day memory enhancement techniques for improving memory. This video is especially geared for working adults , senior citizens, and people with memory problems

or through Createspace an Amazon.com company.


Day to Day Memory . link to video at Createspace. 

Press link to order a video or request a workshop. 

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